Making Ends Meet - How To Maximize Every Dollar
How To Make Every Dollar Fuel A Better Life For Your Family
This ebook helps you discover new and creative ways to maximize every dollar from your family's income.
More specifically, it's intended to encourage you with practical ways to make ends meet during a financial struggle.
It's perfect for the mommy who stays at home with kids that can't get commit to a job but can learn ways to stretch the dollars that do come in and make them work harder.
With practical insights and real-life stories from someone who has lived through job losses and "tight" financial times, you'll walk away with the know-how, and more importantly, the encouragement that it's going to be okay.
Making Ends Meet will help you:
Reduce your monthly expenses so you'll have more money to work with.
Identify and cut out bad spending habits but still have loads of fun and entertainment.
Find extra money to pay off debt and build an emergency fund.
- Stretch the money coming in to go farther and work harder.
Inside it you’ll learn 8 key principles:
- How to survive periods of no pay.
- How to stretch your paycheck.
- Practical ways to budget on a low income.
- How to reduce your expenses.
- How to make ends meet on one income.
- How to build your savings and start an emergency fund.
- How to find extra money to pay off debt.
- How to spend your money wisely.
At the end of each chapter you'll find a small set of action steps to guide your next steps so you can take the knowledge you've learned and immediately put it to use.
Please note that this product is a digital download that you can instantly print at home (nothing will be shipped). You will receive access to the file as soon as you check out and it is backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee.
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