Cash Flow Formula
What if managing your finances was (actually) FUN? Sounds crazy, right?!!
This program helps busy moms who don't want to budget, have more spending money so they can stop stressing out about the bills getting paid (on time).
Does the thought of reading your bank statement make your palms sweat and your heart beat faster?
Would you rather organize everything in your kitchen pantry to avoid talking about your family's weekly spending?
Does hearing the word "budget" make you want to curl up in a ball and binge watch episodes of Cupcake Wars?
How would your mommy life be different if you could:
- CONFIDENTLY know when you have enough money to go out to eat or to the movies... because you have an unshakable pulse on your money.
- Know EXACTLY what to do when an unexpected emergency pops up so you don't dip into savings.
- EASILY continue this process month after month because it takes so little time to do (and it's actually fun to see the numbers auto-magically populate.
- Stop wasting your precious time setting up a budget (what I call a "wish list") just to have it fail after the first week because it's too frustrating to keep up with.
- No more hoping and praying that you won't miss a bill payment because you finally have a simple but powerful planning system for your cash flow that will allow you to see into the future and know how much money you will have. (Without having to do ANY calculations!)
- Being able to stop off for ice cream after the big game (or Chick-fil-A for a lunch playdate) without the guilt of knowing you shouldn't spend money on it.
- You may have been struggling with managing your monthly bills and worrying that you don't have solid a plan for making sure you don't overdraw your account... until now.
This magically simple cash flow strategy uncomplicates your finances and automates the process so you don't spend your valuable time on frustrating math.
With consistent use, the Cash Flow Formula will pave the way to achieving larger financial goals such as paying off debt or having enough savings to buy a car outright.
It's like an immediate mental detox of all the hundreds of dollars of budgeting programs you've purchased in the past that didn't work (because the way everyone else teaches "budgeting" DOES NOT WORK!!).
Unlike the other "experts" who only show you one small piece of what works to be successful at budgeting, I'm giving you my EXACT auto-populating spreadsheets so you can learn to work WITH your habits (the opposite of budgeting) to manage your money and be successful once and for all.
You deserve to have a successful financial life with less stress and an actual lifestyle that includes living (and going out to eat).
So that you'll never again question if you're going to bounce a bill.
Here's what's included in the Cash Flow Formula:
- My EXACT formula to use your current spending to forecast your spending for the rest of the year (done for you auto-magically) by tomorrow afternoon.
- Easily determine where you are messing up so you reach your saving goals this year.
- Never feel deprived or desperate for income AND you'll be able to have fun with your kids.
- How to incentivize your spending (and saving) so that you actually have more freedom to spend how you want.
- Editable electronic spreadsheets accessible from your phone or computer (any device) to ensure you know what's going on with your money at any moment. (But pen & paper versions are also included if you don't trust technology and wanna stay "old school"... I completely understand!)
- Printable worksheets to map out your money plan so you actually accomplish it this year.
You need more cash for your family to flourish and thrive. Don't let it slip through your fingers unmanaged for one more day.
Please note that this product is a digital download that you can instantly print at home (nothing will be shipped). You will receive access to the file as soon as you check out and it is backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee.
It was all good information, we have tried Dave Ramsey before and we were able to pay off debt but we didn’t stick with it and we have more debt again. Kati’s book was really good, easy to read and full of info... the best part though is the chart thing where you plug in your info to see what you should have in each category. We’re going to try to get back on track financially this year and this will help! Thank you so much for the information (and the motivation and encouragement) Kati!
Love, Love, Love! I can't wait to see how the year unfolds getting my finances in order!